Thank you for joining us for this season of prayer for the tribes of the Sinai.
Ramadan can be a month of both fasting and feasting, of abstaining from fleshly appetites and becoming more aware of impatience, selfishness and anger. May it also be a time when the Lord Jesus Christ is revealed to those who are seeking him, to those who come to an end in themselves and cry out for deliverance, and to those who encounter followers of Christ and the Gospel.
I hope these 31 days will be a time of reflection and renewal for:
for the people who live here in the Sinai,
for those who visit Mount Sinai, each day.
You are probably aware that we are not far south from the conflicts around Gaza. Though life goes on as usual people are bombarded daily with disturbing news and images from the media. This causes a degree of trauma in those who become preoccupied with the news and conspiracy theories.
Through the waxing and waning of the present moon, we are going to be praying for these precious people, while following the journey the Lord led the Israelites from slavery in Egypt to receiving the Word of God from Mount Sinai.
This is a journey everyone is called to make. A journey from slavery to this world’s social, economic and spiritual systems towards freedom to hear, trust, follow and obey the Lord Jesus Christ. May our eyes be opened to see his Kingdom coming on the earth in new and wonderful ways.
Are you ready to join the Israelites, together with the tribes of Sinai, in reflection and prayer? May we journey out of this world’s system, into the Sinai desert to encounter the Lord and his wise and loving purposes for our individual and collective lives.
Are you willing and able to go on this journey to discover more from the source of all life?
Meditate on the following prayer one line at a time, over and over, very slowly.
Let it resonate deep in your heart and soul.
Use these resources to help pray specifically each day.